Cavalry Overdrive

Cavalry Overdrive

February 10, 2023

The circuit for this pedal is based off of a Klon Centaur, one of the most legendary and famous pedals of all time. If your asking yourself what a Klon Centaur is, it is a mythical overdrive pedal with a very secretive circuit. Some quick google searching can update you on the lore of the Klon.

Ive had a couple of problems with this pedal, so lets jump into the revs of this pedal I have done;

Rev 1:

For rev one of this pedal, I bought the PCB from OSHPARK. They are great for making small batches of PCBs and getting them to your door quickly (if you live in America). I got an order of 3 of these boards, and when I started stuffing them, I realized that some of the traces have come off of the board! I had never had that problem with PCBs before. This prompted me to throw away all of the OSHPARK PCBs and order a new set from JLCPCB, my preferred PCB manufacturer.

Rev 2:

For Rev 2 of this pedal, I used the exact same PCB layout as my rev1 design, but I ordered it from a different manufacturer. Once the pedal was built, it sounded great, but the tone knob was wired backwards. Crap. While this shouldn't be a big problem, and is honestly quite an easy fix, I wanted to get my pedal perfect, so off it was back to the drawing board to make rev3 of this pedal. Rev3 is still in the making, so the Cavalry unit I am using is still a rev 2. Here are some pictures of the pedal and some a gutshot.

Cavalry Unit
Cavalry Unit Gutshot

Rev 3

Still in the making. I am done with the boards, I just haven't gotten the time to send them out to JLCPCB, as I like to send PCBs in bulk batches when I order them (5+ different PCBs at a time) to avoid having to pay an exorbitant shipping charge every time. Check back later, and I may have it finished and tested. I wont post anything on it until its perfect :)

I designed this PCB, so if anyone wants to purchase the PCB, or a complete pedal, please just message me. I am also happy to share the schematic and board layout with anyone that wants it. Happy tone hunting!