John Mayer Two Rock Signature Build: Final thoughts

John Mayer Two Rock Signature Build: Final thoughts

December 30, 2022

Overall, this build wasn't too hard, but was extremely informative on good amp build practices, including Coax and marking Cap foils. You are probably thinking the inside of the amp is a mess, to which I say "Yes it is, however, for my second amp build ever, I am still very proud." I would highly recommend this PCB over trying to build this point to point, and the ease of this hybrid PCB style amp build will probably mark the end of me building point to point amps because these are just as easy to service as a point to point amp (because everything is still wired by hand) and I don't have to worry about underboard traces. I am extremely happy with how this amp turned out and I love how it sounds. That being said, the fact that it isn't a combo makes it extremely difficult to transport from place to place, and it is extremely loud, so keep that in mind when thinking about building one of these amps. Below are some more pictures of the completed amp.