John Mayer Two Rock Signature: Information About The Build

John Mayer Two Rock Signature: Information About The Build

December 30, 2022

This build is similar to a Dumble SSS build with a couple of major differences, one of which being the disappearance of one of the tubes. Below are a couple of pictures of the interior of my amp.

Interior shot of my amp
Control panel wiring
Signal board and preamp tubes

Things To Note:

Notice how there are two different colored wires: Blue and white. The white wire is actually Coax, a signal wire surrounded by ground. This is done to reduce the amount of noise in the amp. Also, some of the orange drop caps have lines on them. These are to mark the foil of the caps. This is also done to reduce the amount of theoretical noise within the amp. Check out this video by Ryan the Tone Geek to find out how to check for this outer foil using a multimeter.

Difficulties with the amp

When building the amp, I had one major difficulty with the amount of noise in the amp. Whenever there is noise in my amps that sounds like a ground hum, I try to connect a ground to areas that need ground. This allows me to check for continuity between grounds. I could just use my multimeter to do this, but I have found that this method is easier for me. Please note that I do this EXTREMELY CAREFULLY, as I have to do this while the amp is on. I eventually narrowed the area of noise down to the filament windings, which I then grounded one side. Now I have read online that this may be bad for the amp, however, I have had no problems since then with this. If you have an explanation as to why this is bad, as well as a solution to fix this, please shoot me an email. Any help I can get is much appreciated.