Kirkland Signature Boost

Kirkland Signature Boost

February 10, 2023

This pedal is based off of a mystery pedal from John Mayer's 2019 world tour pedalboard. The Supposed circut inside is two JHS clean boosts; however, Mayer has only used this JHS boost pedal for a little while. This prompted me to think: "What if I put 2 Keeley Katanas in one case?"

What is a Keeley Katana you ask? Why it's John Mayer's favorite and most famous boost pedal of course. What makes this pedal so interesting is the internal charge pump in the power stage of the circuit. What this does is it doubles the headroom in the pedal by doubling the internal voltage from 9vDC to 18vDC.

Here is a picture of the pedal, as well as a gutshot of the inside:

Kirkland Signature Boost (Dual Katana)
Gutshot of a Kirkland Signature Boost

I designed this PCB, so if anyone wants to purchase the PCB, or a complete pedal, please just message me. I am also happy to share the schematic and board layout with anyone that wants it. Happy tone hunting!