Swiss Army Screamer

Swiss Army Screamer

February 10, 2023

This pedal is based off the TS 808, TS9, and TS 10 pedals. I took a page out of Josh Scott from JHS's book and added a rotary knob so you can switch between these modes. The biggest difference between mine and Josh Scotts is that he is using digitally controlled analog switching to change the TS modes (more info on that to come, I have a Bonsai pedal ready to go, just waiting for the time to analyze it), while I am using analog switching controlled by a DP4T switch.

Rev 1:

The problem with Rev 1 is that all of the knobs are in the reverse position compared to where they should be on an actual Tube Screamer (Gain is on the right instead of the left), as well as the tone knob is backwards (again, not a big deal, I just want to make sure my pedals are as perfect as I can get them) Here is a picture of the pedal, along with a gutshot.

Swiss Army Screamer pedal
Gutshot for the Swiss Army Screamer

Rev 2:

This revision is still in the works. I have the board all built, I just haven't sent it to JLCPCB yet. Check back soon to see if this is changed. I will change it as soon as I have built and tested it.

I designed this PCB, so if anyone wants to purchase the PCB, or a complete pedal, please just message me. I am also happy to share the schematic and board layout with anyone that wants it. Happy tone hunting!